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President's Message: December 2020

Dear Members, 
I want to thank all of you for standing firm and united during a challenging year. We have faced an unexpected environment at work and at home. We stood on our ASNM mission of providing high-quality Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring (IONM) to benefit patients for better postoperative outcomes, providing forums for education and disseminating knowledge in the field, developing quality standards for practice and training, and building partnerships coalitions with allied professionals.
The ASNM has been planning the new year 2021 with very informative and interactive educations programs for our members. We also want to improve our communication between ASNM members further. In 2021, ASNM will focus on providing you with educational and research-related opportunities, including basic and advance neuromonitoring techniques, up-to-date knowledge, and clinical/surgical information. There are opportunities for our members to present their research during our meetings and symposiums. I want to encourage our members and students to explore and advance the IONM technology during surgical and interventional procedures and share with our members during our educational programs. If you are interested in volunteering for any committee, please contact us now.
Thank you again, and looking forward to the new year: happy holidays and a Happy New Year to all members.

Best Regards, 

Faisal Jahangiri, MD, CNIM, DABNM, FASNM, FASET 
ASNM President 

President's Message: November 2020

Dear Members, 

We are at the end of the year and looking forward to embracing the coming year 2021. If you are a current or past ASNM member, I would like to ask you to take a few minutes and renew your membership today. You should reach out to all of your friends and colleague to join ASNM to support the IONM profession. The COVID-19 has prevented us from having any in-person meetings, but ASNM is staying stronger and working very hard to provide the best educational programs to its members and others.
I want to thank all the excellent and dedicated candidates who ran for the ASNM office in the 2020 elections. The polls were closed in October, and the winners announced are below. Our heartiest congratulations to board members Rebecca Clark-Bash, Melisa Kirkup, Michael Riley, Dr. Lawrence Wierzbowski, and also Dr. W. Bryan Wilent, who will join the board as a new President-Elect in May 2021.

Over the next year, ASNM will continue to work with you and other related societies to strengthen our professionalism through education, training, and research. We are dedicated to working hard as a team to make ASNM stronger and better and leading society in the field of IONM. We are proud of our past and excited about the ASNM future.

Best Regards, 

Faisal Jahangiri, MD, CNIM, DABNM, FASNM, FASET 
ASNM President 


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President's Message: October 2020

Dear Members,
First of all,  I would like to congratulate ASNM, CANM, and committee chair groups that pulled off a fantastic Fall meeting. Willy Boucharel and Lanjun Guo From ASNM and Kristine Pederson and Marshall Wilkinson from CANM did an excellent job organizing this meeting. On behalf of the ASNM board of directors, I would like to thank the President of the CANM, Dr. Jamie Johnston, for her support in planning this symposium.

This first joint ASNM/ CANM joint meeting was initially planned for an in-person meeting in Vancouver, Canada. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, ASNM and CANM Executive Committees and the Board of Directors decided to proceed with the Fall Symposium as a virtual meeting to ensure our members, attendees, and speakers' safety. The virtual platform allowed attendees to benefit from this program across the globe. We had a total of 208 attendees registered, reaching ten different countries. We cannot thank our attendees and sponsors enough for their continued support of the ASNM. We hope we can reach more people in the field of IONM with more meetings with rich content.

Please check out our website if you would like to purchase the recordings of the ASNM/CANM Fall Virtual Symposium. You can also click here!

Best Regards 
Faisal Jahangiri, MD, CNIM, DABNM, FASNM, FASET
ASNM President


President's Message: July 2020

Dear Members,

I hope everyone is staying safe. We are working on multiple projects for our members, and I want to update you about the important steps we have taken recently. First, I would like to welcome our new BOD member Larry Wierzbowski who had taken the seat of Laura Hemmer when she became President-Elect.

ASNM Clinical Effectiveness Ad-hoc Sub-committee: After discussions with many ASNM members, I have created ASNM Clinical Effectiveness Ad-hoc Subcommittee, which is co-chaired by Megan Alcauskas and Ryan Rosenhahn. This subcommittee will focus on the value and medical necessity of IONM in lumbar surgeries. It will submit proposals and recommendations within 90 days of its creation to the BOD. I want to thank all the members and advisors of the subcommittee for their time, efforts, and dedication to the ASNM and IONM.

September BOD Meeting: This year, the ASNM Board of Directors meeting will be conducted virtually on September 12th, 2020, from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm CST. This meeting is for our Board of Directors to meet and discuss the workings of the Society.

Meeting Schedule

  • September ASNM/CANM Virtual Symposium: The ASNM has partnered with CANM for this year’s Fall Symposium. The meeting was initially scheduled to take place Live in Vancouver, Canada. However, given the current state of COVID-19, we have decided to pivot to a Virtual Symposium. The ASNM Fall Committee Chairs and the CANM Fall Committee Chairs have been meeting to get the meeting agenda fixed for the virtual symposium. The new agenda, registration information, and the meeting format will be posted on our website very soon. The meeting will be held on the same dates as scheduled on September 19-20.
  • Winter 2021 Virtual Symposium: The ASNM Board of Directors has decided that we will begin 2021 with another Virtual Symposium. COVID-19 has changed the way meetings take place, and in the event COVID-19 impacts 2021, we would like to provide our members with educational content as well as the opportunity to receive CME and CEUs for the content. The date for this meeting has not yet been decided, but we hope to have more information out after our Fall Symposium.
  • 2021 Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas: We are hoping that by May, we will be able to host our Annual Meeting in-person. As of now, the meeting will be hosted on May 20-23, 2021, at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel. Once we get closer to the event, more information about the meeting will be communicated to our members. We cannot wait to see everyone in person again!

Call to Speakers for 2021:
If you or someone that you know of, would like to speak at ASNM’S 2021 Winter Virtual Meeting or our Annual Meeting in Dallas, please reach out to [email protected]. If interested, please include the presenter’s name, their credentials, the name of the event they would like to speak at, and the topic that they would like to present.

Webinars: All webinars are at 7 pm EST: ASNM will continue to offer educational activities in summer. Jeremy Bamford will present the webinar, Intraoperative Sensory and Motor Mapping of the Human Homunculus, on July 15th. Please click HERE to Register Today!

Julie Trott will present the webinar, Impact of Anesthesia on the Diagnostic Process of IONM During Spine Procedures: An Interactive Review, on August 26th. Please Click HERE to Register Today!

CNIM Concepts Mini-Course: We will be hosting another CNIM Concepts course this Fall. The dates are September 26th, October 3rd, and October 10th, 2020, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm EST. If you or your colleagues are planning to take CNIM, these courses will help in preparing for the CNIM exam. Please click HERE to register.

Thank you for your continued support and for being a valuable member.

Faisal Jahangiri
President, ASNM

President's Message: June 2020 - ASNM Statement of Solidarity

Dear ASNM Members,

The ASNM Board believes it is crucial at this time, to publicly state our support for each and every patient, member, colleague and other healthcare professional regardless of his/her race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

We recognize that many people are hurting right now. As health care providers and clinicians of diverse backgrounds who treat patients of every background, we remain committed to continuing to promote diversity, inclusivity, and equality within the entire IONM field.

The ASNM has been taking steps to ensure our Society embraces and promotes diversity and inclusion. The creation of the Diversity Taskforce in 2019 is one of those steps and will serve to make sure our Board and membership embody and promote equality in our field. We will continue to build upon this taskforce to ensure a brighter future for the ASNM and all providers in this field.

The ASNM Board of Directors

President's Message: May 2020

Dear ASNM Members:

I am very excited and humbled to become the President of the American Society of Neurophysiological Monitoring (ASNM) for the year 2020-21. When starting as a medical student thirty-five years ago in Pakistan, or while driving hundreds of miles daily as a new IONM technologist covering surgeries in various states (some years later in the USA), I had not thought that one day I would be leading a premier organization like ASNM. But here I am writing this letter to you - it is truly an honor and a blessing of God.

I moved to the USA in 1992, along with my wife for higher education. After completing my graduate education in Biomedical Engineering, I started my career as a technologist in Detroit, MI, with Biotronic. Over the past two decades, I have been fortunate to work in diverse IONM capacities such as a technologist, neurophysiologist, supervisor, trainer, and as an educator. I have provided in-house and remote-physician oversight for a wide range of procedures. Over the years, I have worked with some phenomenal people in various companies. To all of them, I say thank you for being my colleague, educator, and friend. Some of the IONM companies where I have worked include Sentient, Impulse, Specialitycare, Safe Passage, and Neuro Alert. I have also done IONM-related work in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Pakistan. Currently, I work with Axis Neuromonitoring in their Richardson, TX location. I am blessed working with people at Axis that care about improving IONM to the best of its capacity. I have been an active member of the ASNM since 2002. I have volunteered in membership, education, research, guidelines, monitor, and applied philanthropic committees. I have been fortunate to have attended every annual meeting since 2002; however, this year will be the first time, where I would have missed a physical meeting of ASNM. I pray that we meet again under better circumstances.

Let’s first discuss some of the challenges we as IONM people face under the current times. The current COVID-19 situation has significantly changed not only our personal lives but the manner under which we operate professionally. The beginning of the pandemic saw the cancellation of elective surgeries, which significantly affected IONM services as well. We have soon picked after; however, we are not out of the woods yet. We need to keep striving to keep ‘IONM’ out of the ‘elective’ category. As IONM professionals, one of the most critical tasks that we should always keep in mind is to educate the healthcare staff around us about the essential nature of IONM. The current pandemic has resulted in the world being connected more than ever in the virtual environment. It has thus made it easier to educate about IONM with all the different platforms available for meetings, webinars, and such. No longer do we have to wait to meet in conferences to disseminate knowledge about IONM. We can do so at the click of a button with groups of various sizes. Reimbursement for IONM services by insurance companies is another challenge that we in the ASNM society face regularly. However, I feel that this challenge is again primarily related to the lack of information and education that is prevalent about the necessity of IONM services. This second challenge is also perhaps related to some unethical practices by a handful of IONM practitioners that have resulted in insurance companies getting into the practice of denying IONM claims.

Let’s talk about education now. Over the past years, first, as a member and later as the membership committee chair, I have been able to get your inputs about education. ASNM has been successfully offering multiple webinars free to its members every year. This year we had a successful virtual winter symposium, and recently our first Town Hall Motor Evoked Potentials (MEP) Interactive Webinar. We plan to provide more educational activities for our members this year – however, a tremendous amount of work is needed in the coming years. We need new people to volunteer in various committees. I request every member to pitch in their services, whether it be joining a committee, speaking at a meeting, submitting new research for conferences, or running for office, etc. I would like to invite you to participate in multicenter high caliber research, publish outcome studies to show the benefits of IONM, ask colleagues and friends to join as members, combine forces with other related organizations, educate the insurance companies about the benefits of IONM and strengthen our advocacy efforts to lobby for ASNM and IONM related issues.

Over the next year, we will continue to strengthen our professionalism through education, training, research, and better resources. I believe if we work hard and together, ASNM will become stronger and better and reemerge as a leading society in the field of IONM. We are proud of our past and excited about the ASNM future.

I would like to thank ASNM past president, Rich Vogel, for his dedication and contribution to the ASNM. I would also like to thank the outgoing Board of Directors Jeff Gertsch, Leah Hanson, Bryan Wilent, and of our members for making last year possible. I would like to thank everyone else at ASNM here that I have not mentioned by name – thanks for being a mentor, an educator, and for raising the ranks of ASNM at which it stands today. I would like to welcome our new President-Elect, Dr. Laura Hemmer, and board members Clare Gale, Cheryl Wiggins, Tara Stewart, Lanjun Guo, and Larry Wierzbowski. Special thanks to our industry sponsors for their continuous support and a tremendous job by our management team at Affinity Strategies.

Thank you again for this opportunity.

Best regards,
Faisal R. Jahangiri
President ASNM

In the Literature: Utility of Motor and Somatosensory Evoked Potentials for Neural Thermoprotection in Ablations of Musculoskeletal Tumors

Article Title: Utility of Motor and Somatosensory Evoked Potentials for Neural Thermoprotection in Ablations of Musculoskeletal Tumors


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In the Literature: Use of the train-of-five bipolar technique to provide reliable, spatially accurate motor cortex identification in asleep patients

Article Title: Use of the train-of-five bipolar technique to provide reliable, spatially accurate motor cortex identification in asleep patients


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